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I work with darker clays. I enjoy using underglazes (which is like a paint for pottery), painting on images, and carving into the clay. I let the colors of underglaze lead me in the direction of my work. I let the carving tools guide me through the clay for the designs. My use of color is very evident. I do love the Oregon coast but there are plenty of gray days so I like to contrast the gray with lots of vibrant color in my work. I still  have lots to learn. I do have ambitions to continue my art education in the future when finances and time allows. I will be ever evolving.


Come on in!

Tillamook Air Museum

 6030 Hanger Road

Tue – Fri 10 am–2:30 pm

Special Saturday opening

Open till 4pm on Dec 18


Hello my name is Jennifer Trost and I am a potter on the Oregon coast. I started my education of pottery at Mount Hood Community College. There I learned the technical skills of throwing on the wheel and the science of glazes and firing kilns. A large aspect of pottery for me is the community that is built around pottery. The community in the studio, the community in firing the kilns and collaborating with other artists. When I moved to the Oregon coast I was very fortunate in finding the small potter community that is here and so grateful to have potters to collaborate with and find friendship. As much as community studios are a wonderful place to start, I am so fortunate and grateful to now have a space of my own at the Tillamook Air Museum. Tourists visiting the museum and anyone is welcome to come into my studio to shop or say hello.

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